June 26, 2010

My Morning Staples

For the past few weeks I’ve been having different things for breakfast. They can be considered different because 1) It’s different than my usual GF toast or cereal, and 2) Most people don’t have sweet breads and dessert for breakfast.

Normally I don’t have that many different goodies for breakfast but I’m testing out two GF cookbooks to see if I like them and they were worth buying. It’s looking good so far, but I’ll keep you posted (pun intended!). But with all the additional sweets I’m starting to feel a little, well, fat. I haven’t gained any weight, but I noticed my clothes were beginning to feel a little snugger, especially after losing some weight after eliminating all my ‘evil do-ers’. I’ll blame it on all the added sugar and fattening items (like whip cream).

The additional downside for cooking for two: if one person doesn’t like it then there’s the obligation of having it yourself. This poses a problem as my Honey doesn’t really like fruit and I do. Strawberry season has finally arrived in Ottawa and I love strawberries. It has been strawberry brulee (only so-so), strawberry shortcake (my first endeavour with Cool Whip in trying to stay away from the lactose – won’t do that again, yuck!), and strawberry fool (recipe to follow another day).

And this obligation to eat it isn’t to not waste food, it’s because I actually enjoy it. I blame that on my Dutch heritage. My father’s side loves the sugar, especially if my Nana had made it, and we would take it in almost any form. But as I’ve aged I’ve gotten more refined – the item better be worth taking a digestive enzyme or lactaid for it. Some people laugh, but almost every Dutch person/family I know likes sweets. I say almost because I worked with a teacher last summer with Dutch heritage and this was our conversation:
Her: Oh, cookies. Did you make them?
Me: Yes, it’s my nana’s recipe. Would you like some?
Her: No thanks.
Me: Are you sure? They’re reeeally good.
Her: No, I’m alright.
Me: You’re saying ‘No’ to a cookie?!
Her: Yeesss (beginning to look at me like I’m nuts)
Me: But you’re Dutch.
Her: Yeesss (looking at me like I lost it)
Me: But Dutch people like sweets. I’ve never known a Dutch person to say ‘No’ to a cookie, especially those in my family.
Her: My people like sandwiches (spoken quite proudly)
Me: Oh (I look at her like she’s nuts)

But I digress. Now that my desserts and breads are done, it’s back to the usual: my Maple Sunrise cereal and Almond Milk. It’s become my favourite cereal (the vanilla one is nice too). It’s nice and crunchy and doesn’t go mushy. It’s a nice way to start off the day accompanied by a glass of oj and a magazine. Afterwards I’m ready to tackle what the world brings me.


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