November 11, 2012

Gluten-Free Awesome

I’m currently reading the Book of Awesome by Neil Pasricha and it’s quite intriguing. There are some things that make you smile and reminisce and some that make you go ‘Oh ya, that IS pretty cool’. And of course, there are some I just don’t get. But this book also got me thinking. Being gluten-free is always seen as a negative; something we never seem to get over. We go on and on about the things we can’t have, how it has affected our bodies, and what we miss out on. Sometimes we shed a tear, even when it’s been eons.

Ironically though, being gluten-free can be awesome. OK, stop laughing! It CAN be awesome and I’ve put a list together telling you how it’s possible.

*Finding your favourite gf products on sale. Seriously, how good is it when those frozen pizza crusts, bagels or whatever are a $1-2 dollars off? Most of the time it’s only 20-30 cents and that doesn’t even cover the tax, but a $1-2, that’s worth stocking up on.

*Trying a new gf item and it is delicious. More often than not, gf people are leery about trying new things because they usually taste horrible. But when you pick something up and ‘Mmmmm’ comes out of your mouth, that’s pretty cool.

*Going to or walking by somewhere new to you and seeing ‘gluten-free’ in their window or on a sandwich board. It always takes you by surprise and sometimes you have to do a quick second look just to make sure. If you’re like me, you immediately go in and see what they have to offer. Sweet!!

*Having a waiter/waitress understand your concerns. And I don’t mean the glazed ‘Sure’ that we often get. These lovely people ACTUALLY understand and are willing to double-check and make sure you can eat safely. The awesome factor is tripled if your server has gluten-issues themselves (therefore knowing where you’re coming from) or they help you with the menu steering you towards the good stuff and away from the evil gluten.

*Seeing ‘Gluten-Free’ on a label. It’s always when you don’t expect it. You pick something up and flip it over to see if it could be safe, not really having your hopes up. And there it is! Score!!
*Realizing you feel really good. This usually occurs out of the blue and usually after saying ‘Hey I don’t feel like crap!’. This often happens when you get up in the morning or finally dawns on you at the end of the day. Then you begin thinking how long you’ve been feeling like this and why you didn’t realize sooner. Then a smile comes to your face, you might do a little dance, and you’ll probably say ‘Ya, I feel good today. Ya, ya, ya!’ Awesome.

*Baking something and it not only turns out, it rocks! Baking is tricky at the best of times and throwing in the gluten-issue-factor, it can be a nightmare. Anyone who has baked something gluten-free has probably lost count how many times it’s fallen flat (no pun intended). If you’ve met someone who has never had something go wrong, move on and find a new friend because they are lying to you. Think about that feeling: You pull it out of the oven secretly praying that it turns out; You continue to cross your fingers as it cools; You say ‘please’ over and over as you cut a slice; Then in your mouth it goes; And then… ‘Oh my God!! This is so good!!. It’s hard to beat that feeling.

*Going across the border and finding gluten-free items that you’ve only seen in American blogs and magazines. You see them all the time and when it’s a good product you lament that you can’t buy/try it. But while on holiday or a shopping trip, you suddenly see it and smile with excitement.

*Gluten-Free Beer!! But don’t bother asking other celiacs because everyone has their own opinion (some find my favourite disgusting and vice versa). No matter your preference, once you find one that YOU like, the world seems like a better place.

*Going to a friend/family member’s house for dinner and you can eat everything because they kept you in mind (and did research to boot!).  You now know who your real friends are. That is just so awesome, that it rocks!

*When your difficult (and I mean ‘What?! I just don’t get it!) other half finally says: ‘I don’t think I see anything on the menu that you can eat. Let’s try somewhere else.’ They finally get it and a great weight seems to lift from your shoulders. Yes, it’s a shock at first and when you realize it wasn’t a one-off and you love that person a little bit more.

*Your other half doesn’t give you any grief about spending all of your allowable alcohol (aka ‘duty-free booze’) on gf beer and cider that you can’t find back home. Similar to above and finding those great things across the border (provincial or country), your partner forgoes their preferred booze so you can bring home something that you can enjoy without wreaking havoc on your body.

*The customs officer pushes you through quickly because they don’t want to hear anymore raving/rambling about above said beer/cider. We’ve all been there with that fear. You know, being told to ‘Go over there’ and worried that they’ll take away your gluten-free alcohol away (I’m willing to pay duty). But you’re so nervous, yet so excited about your finds, that you just keep going on and on that the customs officer can’t wait until you’re on your way. It feels pretty good, and even better when you start thinking about cracking one open as soon as you get home.
*Eating ‘whole’ or ‘real’ food. It doesn’t seem that exciting and many celiacs may not really notice a difference, but think about what all that healthy stuff means – vitamins, nutrients, healthy fats and carbs, fiber and protein. All the stuff your body needs to be healthy and happy.  Ya, that fast food combo may make you happy, but do you feel the same an hour later? Probably not. The real natural stuff makes us feel good; our bodies look better, behave better, and we probably feel like doing more. That’s pretty cool.

*Being the envy of your friends/colleagues because you’ve got an awesome gf pasta/stirfry/stew, etc, etc for lunch and not some tiny, lame, frozen thing like they do. It doesn’t matter if they are leftovers because it’s way better. The natural pleasant smells make everyone look and the ohhhs and awes make you feel pretty smug at your awesome culinary skills. And that’s ok because your lunch is awesome.

See? Being gluten-free doesn’t have to have a negative impact on our life. It doesn’t have to control how we live. Because, you know what? Being gluten-free can be, well, awesome.


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